Wednesday, June 01, 2005

RIP Angara

She didnt make it past her molting, and had bleed to death from what it looks like..

Well i have determand.. what happen i remember in the pet store the dumb jerks didnt even know what she was i got her for like 12 bucks... and didnt have her in a humid climent no water nothing ( thus the reason why i got her to get her out of there) and well im sure she had problems because of that who knows how long they said they had her for a few months so no water for months? yeah from reading and learning i figured it out.. no matter what i tried.. i gave her a good home for as long as she could lastim going to take a photo of her tonight so everyone can see effects of this and maybe we all can work on ways to prevent to help heal and learn.. i again THANK EVERYONE so much for the fast help and care.. this is by far the best board i have joined thank you everyone.


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