Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Spiders On Drugs

Monday, July 30, 2007

Garden Spider

Dinner Time!!!

Garden Spider

Spider Group

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Goliath Bird Eater

Here is a photo I took of a Goliath Bird Eater.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Choices? I think i found the 2 i want..

First choice ( this is the one i want so bad.. isnt it beauitful)
Brazilian Blue Pinktoe (Avicularia geraldi)
1/2", $32 each
Beautiful Avic! These fantastic arboreals stand out, with a deep blue setae overall, even on the abdomen. Some may mistake them for A. avicularia from a distance, but these are far more brilliant in color. Reaching 5" as adults, Don't Pass Em Up!

Second Choice
Metallic Pinktoe (Avicularia metallica)
1", $30 each
From the beautiful Surinam treetops, comes a fantastic Avic, with a "metal" blue background color, with fuzzy white tipped setae, covering legs and abdomen. Similar in structure as A. avicularia, but absent of any reddish setae. These are a favorite of mine, they also have very sweet dispositions. 5" as adults, you gotta try em!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I'll have to aqquire one before i can tell you about em.

Stopping by for the first time?

Well to get you familiar--
I am Emily I have been into spiders since I was a little girl I have enjoyed watching them learning bout them watching them feed watching them beable to grow. Everything bout them is amazing to me....
I just recently had an Goliath Pink Toe... That has passed .. Due to a pet store that I noticed wasn't giving her the correct humid clement as well as no water.. I wanted to take her home and try to heal her.. Well 4 months later.. She passed today and has made me very said but has taught me even more bout tarantulas.. IM amazed in a lot of what they do..

So tell me more bout your spiders?
Or just share your thoughts about them :)
and welcome.

To post to blog(comments can be posted with out sign on) inform me of your email that you used to sign on blogspot with.
Contact email Legsof8@gmail.com

RIP Angara

She didnt make it past her molting, and had bleed to death from what it looks like..

Well i have determand.. what happen i remember in the pet store the dumb jerks didnt even know what she was i got her for like 12 bucks... and didnt have her in a humid climent no water nothing ( thus the reason why i got her to get her out of there) and well im sure she had problems because of that who knows how long they said they had her for a few months so no water for months? yeah from reading and learning i figured it out.. no matter what i tried.. i gave her a good home for as long as she could lastim going to take a photo of her tonight so everyone can see effects of this and maybe we all can work on ways to prevent to help heal and learn.. i again THANK EVERYONE so much for the fast help and care.. this is by far the best board i have joined thank you everyone.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Its here ... it is ..... Video of Angara..

Ok it isnt the best but i got my cam on and man she was moving.. its soo awesome ANGARA
to be warned if you are really scared of spiders do not click on this.. ther eis close up shots that might scare people... just a warning.
just click on the image below to view .

enjoy I did .